Tauākī Tūmataitinga: He mea tino nui to maatauranga ki a matou. He kupu nui to maatau kamupene kia kaua e whakaatu i o korero whaiaro ki tetahi atu whakaaetanga.
Utu Tau: USD 97.14 - 98.5 / Set/Sets
Utu Tau
2000 Set/Sets
USD 97.14 / Set/Sets
500 Set/Sets
USD 97.9 / Set/Sets
20 Set/Sets
USD 98.5 / Set/Sets
Waitohu: Kaianei
Packaging: Foom Cotton + Carton Cockhing or Peke Peke Peke + Pakihi Pouaka Putea
Āheinga Toha: 50000 pieces per month
Tauira No.: 8L3033
Ratonga Raru: 5 tau
Utu Tau: USD 40.5 - 43.7 / Set/Sets
Utu Tau
2000 Set/Sets
USD 40.5 / Set/Sets
500 Set/Sets
USD 42 / Set/Sets
20 Set/Sets
USD 43.7 / Set/Sets
Waitohu: Kaianei
Packaging: Foom Cotton + Carton Cockhing or Peke Peke Peke + Pakihi Pouaka Putea
Āheinga Toha: 50000 pieces per month
Tauira No.: 8L3024
Ratonga Raru: 5 tau
Utu Tau: USD 64.29 - 66 / Set/Sets
Utu Tau
2000 Set/Sets
USD 64.29 / Set/Sets
500 Set/Sets
USD 65 / Set/Sets
20 Set/Sets
USD 66 / Set/Sets
Waitohu: Kaianei
Packaging: Foom Cotton + Carton Cockhing or Peke Peke Peke + Pakihi Pouaka Putea
Āheinga Toha: 50000 pieces per month
Tauira No.: 8L3026
Ratonga Raru: 5 tau
Utu Tau: USD 107.14 - 109.7 / Set/Sets
Utu Tau
2000 Set/Sets
USD 107.14 / Set/Sets
500 Set/Sets
USD 108.2 / Set/Sets
20 Set/Sets
USD 109.7 / Set/Sets
Waitohu: Kaianei
Packaging: Foom Cotton + Carton Cockhing or Peke Peke Peke + Pakihi Pouaka Putea
Āheinga Toha: 50000 pieces per month
Tauira No.: 8L3038
Ratonga Raru: 5 tau
Utu Tau: USD 78.9 - 83.2 / Set/Sets
Utu Tau
2000 Set/Sets
USD 78.9 / Set/Sets
500 Set/Sets
USD 81 / Set/Sets
20 Set/Sets
USD 83.2 / Set/Sets
Waitohu: Kaianei
Packaging: Foom Cotton + Carton Cockhing or Peke Peke Peke + Pakihi Pouaka Putea
Āheinga Toha: 50000 pieces per month
Tauira No.: 8L3023
Ratonga Raru: 5 tau
Utu Tau: USD 85.71 - 87.6 / Set/Sets
Utu Tau
2000 Set/Sets
USD 85.71 / Set/Sets
500 Set/Sets
USD 86.5 / Set/Sets
20 Set/Sets
USD 87.6 / Set/Sets
Waitohu: Kaianei
Packaging: Foom Cotton + Carton Cockhing or Peke Peke Peke + Pakihi Pouaka Putea
Āheinga Toha: 50000 pieces per month
Tauira No.: 8L3025
Ratonga Raru: 5 tau
Utu Tau: USD 107.14 - 109 / Set/Sets
Utu Tau
2000 Set/Sets
USD 107.14 / Set/Sets
500 Set/Sets
USD 108 / Set/Sets
20 Set/Sets
USD 109 / Set/Sets
Waitohu: Kaianei
Packaging: Foom Cotton + Carton Cockhing or Peke Peke Peke + Pakihi Pouaka Putea
Āheinga Toha: 50000 pieces per month
Tauira No.: 8L3034
Ratonga Raru: 5 tau
Utu Tau: USD 85.71 - 88 / Set/Sets
Utu Tau
2000 Set/Sets
USD 85.71 / Set/Sets
500 Set/Sets
USD 87 / Set/Sets
200 Set/Sets
USD 88 / Set/Sets
Waitohu: Kaianei
Packaging: Foom Cotton + Carton Cockhing or Peke Peke Peke + Pakihi Pouaka Putea
Āheinga Toha: 50000 pieces per month
Tauira No.: 8L3037
Ratonga Raru: 5 tau
Utu Tau: USD 107.14 - 109 / Set/Sets
Utu Tau
2000 Set/Sets
USD 107.14 / Set/Sets
500 Set/Sets
USD 108 / Set/Sets
20 Set/Sets
USD 109 / Set/Sets
Waitohu: Kaianei
Packaging: Foom Cotton + Carton Cockhing or Peke Peke Peke + Pakihi Pouaka Putea
Āheinga Toha: 50000 pieces per month
Tauira No.: 8L3044
Ratonga Raru: 5 tau
Utu Tau: USD 57.14 - 59.2 / Set/Sets
Utu Tau
2000 Set/Sets
USD 57.14 / Set/Sets
500 Set/Sets
USD 58 / Set/Sets
20 Set/Sets
USD 59.2 / Set/Sets
Waitohu: Kaianei
Packaging: Foom Cotton + Carton Cockhing or Peke Peke Peke + Pakihi Pouaka Putea
Āheinga Toha: 50000 pieces per month
Tauira No.: 8L3036
Ratonga Raru: 5 tau
Utu Tau: USD 45.71 - 48 / Set/Sets
Utu Tau
2000 Set/Sets
USD 45.71 / Set/Sets
500 Set/Sets
USD 46.8 / Set/Sets
20 Set/Sets
USD 48 / Set/Sets
Waitohu: Kaianei
Packaging: Foom Cotton + Carton Cockhing or Peke Peke Peke + Pakihi Pouaka Putea
Āheinga Toha: 50000 pieces per month
Tauira No.: 8L3035
Ratonga Raru: 5 tau
Utu Tau: USD 47.44 - 49.5 / Set/Sets
Utu Tau
2000 Set/Sets
USD 47.44 / Set/Sets
500 Set/Sets
USD 48.8 / Set/Sets
20 Set/Sets
USD 49.5 / Set/Sets
Waitohu: Kaianei
Packaging: Foom Cotton + Carton Cockhing or Peke Peke Peke + Pakihi Pouaka Putea
Āheinga Toha: 50000 pieces per month
Tauira No.: 8L3031
Ratonga Raru: 5 tau
Utu Tau: USD 37.14 - 38.8 / Piece/Pieces
Utu Tau
2000 Piece/Pieces
USD 37.14 / Piece/Pieces
500 Piece/Pieces
USD 38 / Piece/Pieces
20 Piece/Pieces
USD 38.8 / Piece/Pieces
Waitohu: Kaianei
Packaging: Foom Cotton + Carton Cockhing or Peke Peke Peke + Pakihi Pouaka Putea
Āheinga Toha: 50000 pieces per month
Tauira No.: 8L1034
Momo tikanga: Faucets peihana
Utu Tau: USD 38.57 - 39.9 / Set/Sets
Utu Tau
2000 Set/Sets
USD 38.57 / Set/Sets
500 Set/Sets
USD 39.1 / Set/Sets
20 Set/Sets
USD 39.9 / Set/Sets
Waitohu: Kaianei
Packaging: Foom Cotton + Carton Cockhing or Peke Peke Peke + Pakihi Pouaka Putea
Āheinga Toha: 50000 pieces per month
Tauira No.: 8L1036
Momo tikanga: Faucets peihana
Utu Tau: USD 50 - 52 / Set/Sets
Utu Tau
2000 Set/Sets
USD 50 / Set/Sets
500 Set/Sets
USD 51.2 / Set/Sets
20 Set/Sets
USD 52 / Set/Sets
Waitohu: Kaianei
Packaging: Foom Cotton + Carton Cockhing or Peke Peke Peke + Pakihi Pouaka Putea
Āheinga Toha: 50000 pieces per month
Tauira No.: 8L1035
Momo tikanga: Faucets peihana
Utu Tau: USD 37.14 - 38.8 / Piece/Pieces
Utu Tau
2000 Piece/Pieces
USD 37.14 / Piece/Pieces
500 Piece/Pieces
USD 38 / Piece/Pieces
20 Piece/Pieces
USD 38.8 / Piece/Pieces
Waitohu: Kaianei
Packaging: Foom Cotton + Carton Cockhing or Peke Peke Peke + Pakihi Pouaka Putea
Āheinga Toha: 50000 pieces per month
Tauira No.: 8l1030
Momo tikanga: Faucets peihana
Utu Tau: USD 38.57 - 40 / Piece/Pieces
Utu Tau
2000 Piece/Pieces
USD 38.57 / Piece/Pieces
500 Piece/Pieces
USD 39.3 / Piece/Pieces
20 Piece/Pieces
USD 40 / Piece/Pieces
Waitohu: Kaianei
Packaging: Foom Cotton + Carton Cockhing or Peke Peke Peke + Pakihi Pouaka Putea
Āheinga Toha: 50000 pieces per month
Tauira No.: 8L1028
Momo tikanga: Faucets peihana
Utu Tau: USD 22.86 - 24.7 / Piece/Pieces
Utu Tau
2000 Piece/Pieces
USD 22.86 / Piece/Pieces
500 Piece/Pieces
USD 24 / Piece/Pieces
20 Piece/Pieces
USD 24.7 / Piece/Pieces
Waitohu: Kaianei
Packaging: Foom Cotton + Carton Cockhing or Peke Peke Peke + Pakihi Pouaka Putea
Āheinga Toha: 50000 pieces per month
Tauira No.: 8L1027
Momo tikanga: Faucets peihana
Utu Tau: USD 22.14 - 23.9 / Piece/Pieces
Utu Tau
2000 Piece/Pieces
USD 22.14 / Piece/Pieces
500 Piece/Pieces
USD 23 / Piece/Pieces
20 Piece/Pieces
USD 23.9 / Piece/Pieces
Waitohu: Kaianei
Packaging: Foom Cotton + Carton Cockhing or Peke Peke Peke + Pakihi Pouaka Putea
Āheinga Toha: 50000 pieces per month
Tauira No.: 8l1029
Momo tikanga: Faucets peihana
Utu Tau: USD 73.9 - 78.5 / Set/Sets
Utu Tau
2000 Set/Sets
USD 73.9 / Set/Sets
500 Set/Sets
USD 76 / Set/Sets
20 Set/Sets
USD 78.5 / Set/Sets
Waitohu: Kaianei
Packaging: Foom Cotton + Carton Cockhing or Peke Peke Peke + Pakihi Pouaka Putea
Āheinga Toha: 20000 pieces per month
Tauira No.: 8L3021
Ratonga Raru: 5 tau
Utu Tau: USD 50 - 52.2 / Set/Sets
Utu Tau
2000 Set/Sets
USD 50 / Set/Sets
500 Set/Sets
USD 51 / Set/Sets
20 Set/Sets
USD 52.2 / Set/Sets
Waitohu: Kaianei
Packaging: Foom Cotton + Carton Cockhing or Peke Peke Peke + Pakihi Pouaka Putea
Āheinga Toha: 50000 pieces per month
Tauira No.: 8L1039
Momo tikanga: Faucets peihana
Utu Tau: USD 50.5 - 53 / Set/Sets
Utu Tau
2000 Set/Sets
USD 50.5 / Set/Sets
500 Set/Sets
USD 51.8 / Set/Sets
20 Set/Sets
USD 53 / Set/Sets
Waitohu: Kaianei
Packaging: Foom Cotton + Carton Cockhing or Peke Peke Peke + Pakihi Pouaka Putea
Āheinga Toha: 50000 pieces per month
Tauira No.: 8L1033
Momo tikanga: Faucets peihana
Utu Tau: USD 37.13 - 39.8 / Piece/Pieces
Utu Tau
2000 Piece/Pieces
USD 37.13 / Piece/Pieces
500 Piece/Pieces
USD 38.7 / Piece/Pieces
20 Piece/Pieces
USD 39.8 / Piece/Pieces
Waitohu: Kaianei
Packaging: Foom Cotton + Carton Cockhing or Peke Peke Peke + Pakihi Pouaka Putea
Āheinga Toha: 50000 pieces per month
Tauira No.: 8L1040
Momo tikanga: Faucets peihana
Utu Tau: USD 35.71 - 37 / Piece/Pieces
Utu Tau
2000 Piece/Pieces
USD 35.71 / Piece/Pieces
500 Piece/Pieces
USD 36.4 / Piece/Pieces
20 Piece/Pieces
USD 37 / Piece/Pieces
Waitohu: Kaianei
Packaging: Foom Cotton + Carton Cockhing or Peke Peke Peke + Pakihi Pouaka Putea
Āheinga Toha: 50000 pieces per month
Tauira No.: 8L1038
Momo tikanga: Faucets peihana
Tauākī Tūmataitinga: He mea tino nui to maatauranga ki a matou. He kupu nui to maatau kamupene kia kaua e whakaatu i o korero whaiaro ki tetahi atu whakaaetanga.
Whakakiia etahi atu korero kia taea ai e koe te pa ki a koe kia tere ake
Tauākī Tūmataitinga: He mea tino nui to maatauranga ki a matou. He kupu nui to maatau kamupene kia kaua e whakaatu i o korero whaiaro ki tetahi atu whakaaetanga.